Saturday, May 28, 2011

Longwood Gardens

Visited the 1000+ Longwood Gardens last week and also got to experience the largest lily display in North America with 10,000+ stems of colorful and fragrant lily varieties.  The gardens were once the home of philantrhopist Pierre S. duPont who purchased the property in 1906 to save the trees.  He added conservatories and cultivated many varieties of plants from around the world.  duPont was heir to the E. I. du Pont de Nemours chemical company and an an early investor and eventual president of GM motors.

(Mom and me in front of the Italian Water Garden)

Ironic,  isn't it, that while he was saving the forest, Dupont chemical was building a reputation for environmental degredation.

(Stained glass window in the Children's Garden)

(Purple Martin Houses in the Idea Garden)

Click for more photos on picasa!

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