Friday, August 15, 2014

6 States in 6 Days

Our magnet collection now includes the states of Montana, Idaho, Wyoming, Nebraska, South Dakota, and North Dakota.  We drove 1,840 miles and saw some beautiful scenery and visited some historic sites and monuments.

The Mt. Rushmore gift shop had magnets from all 50 states.  We needed Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, Nebraska, and South Dakota.  The rule is, we have to go there before we can get the magnet.

Our trip started at the Bozeman, Montana airport where we picked up a rental car and started driving.

After a short detour into Idaho...

we continued across southern Wyoming...

through the Ogalala grasslands of Nebraska...

 to the Dakotas, and finally, back across MT to turn in our rental car and fly home.

We'll be posting photos and more soon.  Stay tuned!

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